viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

25 Leadership Maxims

25 Leadership Maxims

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Summary: Maxims have an illustrious history in the annuals of leadership.  Applying the less-is-more principle of expression, maxims can trigger action, guide behavior and promote values.  A renown leadership expert offers 25 maxims that he has composed, maxims that can enrich your leadership awareness and effectiveness.

leadership skill, leadership skill training, leadership development, management, management skill, management skill training, effective leadership, leadership communication, leadership communication skill, management communication, management communication skill, management training, management development, business leadership, influence leadership, motivation, motivational leadership, leadership excellence, charismatic leadership, communication, manage, organizational success, organizational development, results, leadership results, career, motivator, motivating, executive

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 count: 402

25 Leadership Maxims
by Brent Filson

"We will never know how really good we are as leaders unless we are leading people to be better than they think they are."

"Poor performance is less harmful to a leader than mediocre performance disguised as good performance."

"Most leaders are striving to get the wrong results or the right results in the wrong ways."

"The lowest forms of leadership involve rewards and punishments." 

"Getting along is not necessarily getting results."

"If you can't feel it, you can't lead it, and they won't do it."

"Leadership is the trim tab of all careers."

"Leadership is seeing hope in any adversity."

"To make a difference, be the difference."

"In leadership, you don't have to expect the worse, you just have to make the most of it when it happens."

"The best leaders make use of the simplest of ideas." 

"If you are always right, you are usually wrong."

"The best way for a leader to communicate an idea is to bundle it in a human being."

"The most persuasive art of leadership is to hide your leadership."

"Refraining from action is sometimes the best action."

"It's not so much what you say as a leader that's important; it's the action the people take after you have had your say."

"In leadership, the value of every need is in its use."

"Leadership is not about living a easy life for ourselves but a hard life for others."

"We ourselves are our own biggest obstacles to becoming better leaders."

"Leadership is showing people not that they must take a certain action but that they GET TO take that action."

"Half the art of listening is waiting."

"To get the best out of people, embrace the best in them."

"People are often unaware of the best that's in them.  When you show it to them, you are half way down the road to motivating them to be your cause leaders."

"Achievement needs three things, the leader, the cause leader, and the moment."

"In the long run, the most important results of leadership are not what we achieve but what we become in that achieving."


10 Reasons Why Friendliness Is A Leadership Necessity

10 Reasons Why Friendliness Is A Leadership Necessity

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In leadership, friendliness is not simply a nice personality trait but an essential requirement of great results.

leadership skill, leadership skill training, leadership development, management, management skill, management skill training, effective leadership, leadership communication, leadership communication skill, management communication, management communication skill, management training, management development, business leadership, influence leadership, motivation, motivational leadership, leadership excellence, charismatic leadership, communication, manage, organizational success, organizational development, results, leadership results, career, motivator, motivating, executive

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10 Reasons Why Friendliness Is A Leadership Necessity
by Brent Filson

We've heard it many times, "It's a dog eat dog world."  The trouble is, some leaders actually believe it.  They conduct themselves like the alpha dog in a pack, holding sway through intimidation. This instinctive behavior helps insure survival in a dog world, but applied to the human world of organizational dynamics, it can lead to disaster. 

Alpha dog leadership can eventually turn out to be destructive to the people, their organization, and the leaders themselves. To use another common metaphor, "That dog won't hunt."  

After all, leaders do nothing more important than get results; and the best results are what I've been teaching for more than two decades, "more results faster, continually."  An alpha-dog leader might chew up people to get more results and get them faster, but I submit that it takes a far different personality trait to engender the "continually" aspect of the imperative.  That trait isn't the despot modeled by so many leaders, it's ... well, friendliness.  

Having a friendly attitude as a leader means eschewing the alpha-dog way of leadership.  It means being gentle, kind, helpful, and cordial in your relationships, even in times of anger and stress -- ESPECIALLY in times of anger and stress.  Here are 10 reasons friendliness gets far more results than an alpha-dog way. 

(1) We stay in control.  Apha-dog leaders seek to control others.  But they misconstrue what control really means.  In truth, such leaders are really out of control much of the time, since they're at the mercy of their emotional outbursts and the reactions of others to those outbursts.  In leadership, the best way to control a situation, i.e., the best way to get great results, is to put the people in control.  Don't constrain them through short-term compulsion but liberate them by playing the "longer game."  Unleash their initiative and creativity by allowing them to make free choices, and they will be under your "control" in more profound and effective ways than the alpha-dog leader could imagine.  

(2) People respond more openly and positively to friendliness.  Humans seek happiness; and friendliness is a great way to spread happiness.  It enables you to communicate much more effectively because it bonds you with others in ways that anger, coercion, intimidation can't.  And that bonding is the stuff that great results flow from.    

(3) We are modeling good interactions, bringing the future into the present.  Whether leaders know it or not, their words and actions are carefully watched by the people they lead.  People have an instinctive need to model those words and actions; or if they disagree with them, speak and act in opposite ways.  By radiating friendliness, leaders are being the means that are the ends in the making.

(4) We make real issues relevant factors, not false issues like anger and intimidation. Friendliness tends to clarify issues; intimidation, because it is associated with fear, obfuscates them.  So often intimidating leaders make themselves and their tormenting ways the issue.  Whereas the real issues should be, how do we get results, how do we get more results, how do we get faster results, and how do we get "more, faster" continually?  The fear they provoke is like crack cocaine, temporarily stimulating but addictive and in the long run destructive to the leader and the people.

(5) With friendliness, we set the agenda.  "A good offense is the best defense" applies with friendliness.  You should be on the offense with friendliness, displaying it even in challenging circumstances when it may take an act of disciplined courage on your part.  This helps you set the agenda in terms of how people respond to one another in these circumstances. Of course, your friendliness will not affect some people who may be determined to subvert your leadership no matter what your attitude is; however, friendliness can, like the clearing of brush-lines to contain a forest fire, keep rancor from spreading deeply into the organization. 
(6) We increase the chance that others will support our cause.  The truth is that leaders can't motivate anybody to do anything. The people make the choice to be motivated or not.  Friendly leaders have the best chance of creating an environment in which the people make that choice.  As Abraham Lincoln said, "If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend.  Therein is a drop of honey that catches his heart, which, say what he will, is the great highroad to his reason, and which, once gained, you will find but little trouble in convincing him of the justice of your cause, if indeed that cause is really a good one."  

(7) Our opponents can be put off balance.  As a leader, you'll often have people working against you, spoiling for a fight; and when they encounter a friendly attitude on your part, they may be thrown off balance in benignly effective ways.  Furthermore, your friendliness can encourage others to take up your cause against them.   

(8) With friendliness everybody has an opportunity to win.  Unfriendly leaders often win battles but lose wars.  They may compel others to get on board; but if those others do so out of compulsion and not genuine conviction and motivation, the fruits of any victories can become ashes.  Most people welcome friendliness -- even if they disagree with and even dislike the leader.  Furthermore, our friendliness can prompt the people we interact with to reflect on their own character, a prerequisite for their choosing to be motivated.  In an environment of friendliness, all parties have an opportunity to achieve something positive.  

(9)Friendliness is fire prevention equipment against your burning bridges behind you.  An opponent may seem to be your opponent today but in the future you may need him to be your partner in implementing changes.  Friendliness gives us an opportunity to have productive relationships even with those who oppose us, enriching both the present and the future.

(10) Getting results through friendliness can take a lot less energy than getting results through coercion and intimidation. Friendliness isn't an absolute necessity in leadership.  I've seen great leaders who were terrific curmudgeons.  It's just that unfriendly people have to go through a lot more trouble getting people motivated. 

Two caveats.  One, friendliness can be mistaken for weakness.  In fact, friendliness can BE weakness if it manifests as a way of avoiding challenging people to do the hard things to get great results.  In leadership, friendliness has a clear function which is to people achieve constantly improving results.  This entails your challenging people to do what they often don't want to do.  Anybody can be nice to them and let them do what they want. But a leader must continually be challenging people to struggle mightily for extraordinary results. If friendliness doesn't help you fulfill that function then it's simply a lifestyle choice, not a leadership tool, and ultimately in terms of leadership, a weakness. 

Two, even if you do use it as a strong leadership tool, you certainly can't be friendly 100 percent of the time.  If you try to be, you'll find yourself becoming a rather one-dimensional leader.  One of the most difficult accomplishments facing any leader is simply being who you really are – especially under pressure. To force-fit friendliness in a situation where you might not ordinarily exhibit it or to use friendliness to manipulate people into conforming to your wishes is not the best leadership uses of friendliness. 

It may be a dog-eat-dog world; but by progressing in the Way of friendliness, leaders can invest their lives and this world with moments of beauty and meaning -- and get more results in the bargain. 



miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2011

8 Steps Towards Becoming The Leader You Need To Be To Succeed

8 Steps Towards Becoming The Leader You Need To Be To Succeed

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An important part of success in life is the ability to lead. It is important that we not only be able to lead others but be willing to lead ourselves. No one succeeds in life by simply following others. Sometimes we simply must strike a bold new path for ourselves.

Being a good leader is more than simply being at the forefront of the crowd. A leader must act. Too often in America, we simply accept that someone looks or sounds like a leader and too rarely do we actually loo...

inspiration, motivation, self help, success, self improvement, goal, visualization, happiness

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An important part of success in life is the ability to lead. It is important that we not only be able to lead others but be willing to lead ourselves. No one succeeds in life by simply following others. Sometimes we simply must strike a bold new path for ourselves.

Being a good leader is more than simply being at the forefront of the crowd. A leader must act. Too often in America, we simply accept that someone looks or sounds like a leader and too rarely do we actually look at the actions that leader performs -- and that is the true test of leadership.

However, in order to become good leaders ourselves, we need to concentrate on actions rather than simple appearances. The title of this article refers to eight steps, but do not think of these as progressive steps like so many recipes or instruction manuals describe. Instead, think of these as actions that you must take on a regular basis.

First, be alert to new potentials. "Reality" is not absolute but rather subject to constant change. Think about inventors, explorers, and agents of social change who have achieved greatness. Some might simply say that certain people are successful because they are lucky to be in the right place at the right time. Maybe so, but if they hadn't had their eyes open for the opportunity, then it wouldn't have mattered if they were in the right place.

Second, accept inspiration from wherever it comes; even your opponents. The wisest leaders constantly study their competition. In war, politics, and business we constantly see examples of this research and reconnaissance. Too many times though a certain study, many concentrate on finding a weakness to exploit. If you want to a be a leader of positive change don't fall victim to this trend. Instead, if you find a weakness, make sure to avoid that pitfall yourself. If you find the strength then find a way to strengthen your own qualities to match.

Third, learn something new and promote in new ways every day. This means you must continually seek to expand your horizons, internally and externally. Feed your mind with new lessons and knowledge, but constantly expand your social horizons as well. Seek out and meet new people and immerse yourself in new social situations. You never know when these new experiences will help you in your leadership role.

Fourth, search for and find answers in subtle clues. Look beneath the surface and constantly question. This is an extension of the third step in that you are seeking new knowledge. But this also means that you will need to step off the traditional paths of knowledge. Don't simply read books in the literary canon or the bestsellers list. Take seminars rather than classes as there is more room for questioning and debate. Seek out the unconventional thinkers, teachers, and writers.

Fifth, improvise if no existing solutions are available. No excuses. Necessity is the mother of invention. How do you know it won't work if you've never tried it before? Remember, not all approaches need to come from the front. Look at your problem from all sides and systematically attempt different solutions in various combinations.

Six, make at least one person you care about happy every day. If you make it a point to be thoughtful and caring for one person every day then soon this thoughtful, caring behavior will become a habit and that habit will spread to the others around you. Making someone else happy also feeds your own personal happiness. Just imagine how much better the world would be if we all did a little bit more to spread happiness.

Seven, offer help, even if there's no apparent advantage to you. This means more than writing a check. It means giving of your time and energy and yourself. Sometimes it will mean helping someone you don't know and sometimes it can be a very personal action.

Finally, never let negativity be your last word on the subject. If your final words are negative than no matter how hopeful you may be about the potential of a project or action the lasting impression you give to others is one of negativity. Accentuate the positive and you are more likely to see a positive outcome.

If you follow these eight action steps not only you will be a better leader but also lead yourself to a more successful life.


8 Steps to Effective Christian Leadership

8 Steps to Effective Christian Leadership

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As a Christian leader, you are held to high moral, ethical, and social standards.  As a leader, you are held to high standards, but as a Christian leader, that bar is raised even higher.  Why?  Because both the Christian and non-Christian social environment has tended to expect that Christians measure up to their self-proclaimed moral and ethical standards, as they rightly should.  What can you do to be sure you 'stand up to the test' in the area of Christian leadership?

christian leadership, christian

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1) Probably the most important thing you can do as a Christian leader is to clean up your act---if there is anything in your life, moral or ethical, which would not stand up to scrutiny if the entire world found out---you must eliminate it immediately.  Do not give anyone an occasion to think that you are a hypocrite.

2) Be sure that every decision you make is honest and ethical.  You cannot effectively lead, as a Christian or not, when your decisions and actions are not above-board, fair, and honest.

3) As a Christian leader, commit to telling the truth no matter what.  As a Christian leader, when you lie or tell half-truths, people tend to feel that your entire faith is a sham.  In fact, if you are habitually lying and telling half-truths, your faith may indeed be a sham.

4) Learn everything you can about the tasks at hand, even if it means working in the trenches for awhile.  No one likes to be led by someone who has never done what they are doing.  This doesn't mean you have to become an expert, just participate in the menial work long enough to understand the frustrating aspects of the work.  Another benefit to this is, when you have actually done the work, you can more effectively brainstorm solutions to challenges when they arise.

5) Lead by example.  Do you expect your employees or secretaries to arrive on time for work, and dressed well?  Then you must do the same.  Sometimes it is so easy to think that you have earned the right to come in whenever you feel like it, or to return from lunch whenever you wish.  Sure, you may have earned the right, but you gain far more by setting the example for performance.  Do you expect others to work overtime when a project is behind projections?  Then you must be willing to do the same.

6) Although you may feel you have earned the right to delegate away all the work, continue to be involved in productive tasks.  By doing some of the work, not only do you gain the respect of your employees, but also you keep in touch with the flow of things.  As a leader, it is easy to become disengaged from the actual productive segment of your business, and resultantly make decisions that look good on paper and sound good around the boardroom table, but are actually worthless when the rubber hits the road.

7) Constantly reevaluate your own performance.  Often, you may spend so much time correcting the actions of others and solving crises you didn't create, that you develop a sense that others aren't as capable as you.  Consequently, you may not recognize when you are falling into bad habits that also need to be corrected.  Be the first to recognize and correct your own short-fallings.

8) Avoid pride.  Once in a position of leadership, especially if you are good at what you do, it is easy to begin to feel that you are invincible.  Once that occurs, you become vulnerable to pride, and may make decisions you would frown on if your subordinates made the same decisions.  Maintain full responsibility for your actions, and keep them above-board at all times.

Bonus Step:

9) Learn to manage your time.  When you are in a position of leadership and find yourself delegating away most of the time-consuming tasks, it is easy to lose control of your time.  Again, when your employees see you wasting your time, they will tend to do the same.



miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011

JIAP 2011 - Liderazgo para un mundo inteligente

Maria Dominguez, Liderazgo

Making Money With Articles: Where To Find Affiliates For Your Niche Website

Making Money With Articles: Where To Find Affiliates For Your Niche Website

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To make money with articles that you place on websites, you will also need a variety of good affiliate links that will help to generate revenue. It is important that you know where to find affiliates and that you choose the best affiliates for you and your niche site.

When you pick an affiliate, it is important that you determine which companies you will profit best from based on the frequency that the product is likely to sell. There are several types of affiliates and so...

Making Money with Articles

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To make money with articles that you place on websites, you will also need a variety of good affiliate links that will help to generate revenue. It is important that you know where to find affiliates and that you choose the best affiliates for you and your niche site.

When you pick an affiliate, it is important that you determine which companies you will profit best from based on the frequency that the product is likely to sell. There are several types of affiliates and some will offer you more money from a sale than others will. Before you get hazy-eyed by dollar signs, however, remember some products are bound to sell more than others. If you sell on product four times a year from a little known company that gives you $100 per sale or sell a well known product 3 times a week at the rate of $10 per sale, then you will make much more money with the $10 per sale product. Often times large well known companies will offer a very small profit per sale because they are established and know that their product is likely to sell well. Small, unknown companies, on the other hand, need all of the promotion they can get. Also, because they are unknown, their products are likely to sell less frequently.

The most important rule when picking affiliates to promote on your site is to pick products that would be of interest to those who would likely visit your niche site. Otherwise you will be promoting a product to a group of people who do not even want nor need it. If your niche site targets parents of young children, then promote baby products. If you niche site targets gardeners, then promote gardening products. If you promote baby products to gardeners, you are almost guaranteed to not make a profit no matter how much money the affiliate company offers for a sale.

Lastly, there are two main ways to find an affiliate company for your niche website. You can sign up with a company that manages the accounts of hundreds of companies, big and small, and apply for the products within these accounts or you can do a web search for companies that would match well with your niche, visit their websites, and see if they advertise an affiliate program.

Club de Ebooks con Derechos De Reventa + Softwa + PLR Private Label Rights


martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011


Myspace Codes - How Should You Use Them

Myspace Codes - How Should You Use Them

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All of us wish that we could manipulate our profile so that it looks good. Some of us have special requirements. We want to keep number of details private, only for few friends, but do not know how to do that. Myspace codes help us in personalizing the profile. Let me tell you about few of these codes.

Centering the profile - Many of us want to keep our profile in the center of the web page. It looks good. The code for this is available in many myspace codes websites. You ...

myspace codes

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All of us wish that we could manipulate our profile so that it looks good. Some of us have special requirements. We want to keep number of details private, only for few friends, but do not know how to do that. Myspace codes help us in personalizing the profile. Let me tell you about few of these codes.

Centering the profile - Many of us want to keep our profile in the center of the web page. It looks good. The code for this is available in many myspace codes websites. You need to copy the code and paste it in about me section of your profile. Save it and refresh your profile. Your profile will come in the center.

Hide the contact table - What if you do not want to be contacted by others? You can have that freedom now. After hiding your contact table, you will be able to contact others, but they cannot contact you. This saves you from lot of spam profiles and spam messages. The code for this is very easy to use and you can also remove it whenever you want.

Image Codes - In this code, you can upload your own images. Upload your image on any free image uploading website. Copy the URL of image in the code box and copy the code in your profile. as soon as you open your profile, your image will get downloaded.

Hide myspace comments - Many of us receive highly personal comments. We do not want others to view them. In myspace profile all comments are visible. With the code for Hide myspace comments, you can hide your comments. No body will be able to view them.

Remove add a comment link - If you do not want to receive comments from anybody, what should you do? This code comes handy for that. Use this code and no body can comment you.

Myspace codes offer us lot of freedom to play with our myspace profile. We need not be helpless at all. With so many codes, we can design our profile the way we want. We are no more at mercy of others.

Club de Ebooks con Derechos De Reventa + Softwa + PLR Private Label Rights


lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011

Never Work Again

Never Work Again

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Are you tired of being one of the rats in the race? Would you like to spend more time at home with family, friends, or engrossed in your favorite hobbies? What is stopping you? Ah…yes, you need money. What if I was to inform you that you can have the best of both worlds? Would you read on?

Owning your own franchise is the ticket in making a lot of money while enjoying things in life you love. It does not take much to start and the chances of failure of very low as well. Al...

business franchise, opportunity

Article Body:
Are you tired of being one of the rats in the race? Would you like to spend more time at home with family, friends, or engrossed in your favorite hobbies? What is stopping you? Ah…yes, you need money. What if I was to inform you that you can have the best of both worlds? Would you read on?

Owning your own franchise is the ticket in making a lot of money while enjoying things in life you love. It does not take much to start and the chances of failure of very low as well. All you really need is the passion to succeed and some insight to get you started. I can't help you with the former but I sure can with the latter…

Choose the Right Franchise
There are a variety of franchises to choose from. One of the first steps to take would be to survey your immediate area (or area you are thinking of opening the franchise) for population of potential customers, competition, and cost of renting, owning, or building space. The success of franchises available will depend on the location it will be established.

"It is not real work unless you would rather be doing something else."

Talk to Current Owners
One of the fantastic aspects of franchising is that you can take advantage of the experience and insight of owners already making money. Either phoning or meeting with others that have bought into the franchise will be a great idea to help you get started. You can use their experiences to gain preliminary knowledge of what to expect.

Do Some Investigation
The owners of the franchise may provide you with an estimate of possible earnings, but this should not be a number taken for an absolute. A seller must inform and provide you with actual documents delineating the actual success of the franchise. Do not accept broad and unsubstantiated promises of earnings regardless of how successful the franchise name is.

"Men for the sake of getting a living forget to live."

Evaluate Cost
There most likely will be an enticing (generally low) initial fee the franchiser will charge you. This will be factored in with premises, initial stock, and equipment (some equipment may be offered by the franchiser). You will have to establish yourself as an individual business entity despite being a part of a larger franchise. Successful franchises will want you to pay a royalty fee to 'reward' them for offering to sell their successful name. You will have to factor in ongoing costs along with initial fees in calculating just how much the venture will cost you.

Professional Advice
There is a high success rate with buying into franchises, but it may not be for everyone at all times. Seek the advice of money consultants upon embracing this venture. They will be able to assess your current situation, your options, and the likelihood of a positive outcome. Seeking the counsel of those who specialize in the area of franchising will allow you to 'finely tune' the process.

"It's not work if you love what you're doing."

What Are You Waiting For
There is some risk involved, but the ownership into a franchise is a very lucrative business venture. A great deal of the brain work can be done even before delving into your pocket. Take the necessary preliminary steps needed and you will be on your way to not having to work ever again!

Curso Domina Google - Youtube con Video Marketing con Derechos De Reventa


Mira antes de saltar

Mira antes de saltar

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Iniciar un negocio nuevo hogar no es fácil - o barato, hay algunas cosas que un propietario de negocio en casa tiene que pensar antes de sumergirse en esa piscina. Hay un poco más de flexibilidad al trabajar desde casa, pero para obtener el máximo beneficio, es necesario pensar en quién está atendiendo a. Esto depende de lo que le gustaría hacer. Si se trata de una tienda en línea que usted está buscando para abrir, se puede trabajar 24 / 7. Por otro lado, si se trata de una carrera actual que está llevando a la oficina en casa, por ejemplo la ley, t. ..

Palabras clave:


Cuerpo del artículo:
Iniciar un negocio nuevo hogar no es fácil - o barato, hay algunas cosas que un propietario de negocio en casa tiene que pensar antes de sumergirse en esa piscina. Hay un poco más de flexibilidad al trabajar desde casa, pero para obtener el máximo beneficio, es necesario pensar en quién está atendiendo a. Esto depende de lo que le gustaría hacer. Si se trata de una tienda en línea que usted está buscando para abrir, se puede trabajar 24 / 7. Por otro lado, si se trata de una carrera actual que está llevando a la oficina en casa, por ejemplo la ley, entonces usted necesita para ser más realistas acerca de las horas. Por algo así, las horas pueden necesitar estar más cerca de 9-5.

A menos que usted ya tiene un montón de dinero de una carrera anterior, es posible que desee un préstamo para su puesta en marcha de dinero. No te preocupes, hay otras opciones, también. Por ejemplo, usted podría buscar un patrocinador financiero, benefactor o socio silencioso. Estas son personas que se interesen en el negocio de hogar que usted, pero no queremos hacer un montón de trabajo de la pierna, sólo la prestación de apoyo monetario. Pueden, sin embargo, pedir un poco de promoción a cambio. Esta es una opción maravillosa si se compara con las tasas de interés.

El segundo pedido de negocio en casa es de concesión de licencias y permisos. Hacer la investigación, buscar y ver si el nombre deseado ya está en uso. También se acordó por varios propietarios de negocios que la licencia se obtuvo. Tener a su empresa como una LLC o sociedad de responsabilidad limitada, crea menos riesgos financieros si su empresa debe ser demandado. Una LLC pone un límite a la propia responsabilidad fiscal, la mayoría por lo general el valor de la empresa. Lo mismo se puede atribuir a cualquier inversionista (s) en el negocio. Ellos sólo son responsables de la cantidad de su empresa en el establecimiento.

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jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

No Frills Search Engine Optimization Techniques

No Frills Search Engine Optimization Techniques

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Practitioners of the esoteric science and art of search engine optimization will often make it all sound like a combination of rocket science and brain surgery. But, the fact is that principles of search engine optimization, also referred to as SEO for short, are quite simple.

The basic idea is to get search engines to understand your site and to like it. This will lead to your site ranking high in the result pages that search engines dish out in response to a query. Here ...

SEO, search engine optimization

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Practitioners of the esoteric science and art of search engine optimization will often make it all sound like a combination of rocket science and brain surgery. But, the fact is that principles of search engine optimization, also referred to as SEO for short, are quite simple.

The basic idea is to get search engines to understand your site and to like it. This will lead to your site ranking high in the result pages that search engines dish out in response to a query. Here is the basic low down on what this is all about.

There are primarily two categories of techniques involved in search engine optimization. The first is called on-page SEO and deals with stuff that you do on your own site to make it rank well. The second is called off-page SEO which deals with stuff that other sites do related to your site. Let us look at the basic search engine optimization methodology involved in both these categories.

On-page SEO used to be all about stuffing keywords and keyphrases. For example, if you wanted a page to rank high for the term "red widget," you would make it a point to mention "red widget" many times on the page. However, search engines have become much smarter than they were in the late 90s. Mentioning the keyphrase continues to remain a good idea, but you need to make sure that the rest of the content on the page is also relevant to the keyphrase. Search engines can understand words, phrases, expressions and their correlations. Other forms of on-site SEO involve setting the correct "Title" tag in the code of the webpage. Further, if the page is relevant to the overall topic of the site, it has a higher likelihood of ranking well.

Off-page SEO is all about links. Links to your site from other sites. When talking about links, there are primarily four factors to consider: Anchor Text, Quantity, Importance, and Relevance. Anchor text is the word / phrase that you click to reach a site. In case of a clickable picture, the anchor text is the alt-text that is associated with the image. Having relevant anchor text is pivotal to search engine success. Quantity plays a role too -- the more the merrier. But do not forget importance -- one link from a terrific site (such as a famous news site) might be worth much more than a thousand links from lesser sites. And finally we have relevance. If the site that is linking to you is relevant to the theme of your site, the link will quite likely be worth more.

Video Curso Inicia En Wordpress Como Hacer Blogs con Derechos de Reventa



Redes con otros propietarios de negocios puede ayudar a su negocio

Redes con otros propietarios de negocios puede ayudar a su negocio

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No importa qué negocio casero usted decide perseguir, usted sabe que es importante que se esfuerce por delante de la competencia. Usted puede ayudar a salir adelante de su competencia en red con personas que tienen intereses similares a usted. Estos intereses pueden ser de trabajo o intereses personales. De cualquier manera, es una buena idea mantener el contacto con otras personas porque uno nunca sabe cómo van a ayudar a hacer crecer su negocio.

Es importante que la red con los demás si usted es dueño yo ...

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Cuerpo del artículo:
No importa qué negocio casero usted decide perseguir, usted sabe que es importante que se esfuerce por delante de la competencia. Usted puede ayudar a salir adelante de su competencia en red con personas que tienen intereses similares a usted. Estos intereses pueden ser de trabajo o intereses personales. De cualquier manera, es una buena idea mantener el contacto con otras personas porque uno nunca sabe cómo van a ayudar a hacer crecer su negocio.

Es importante que la red con los demás si usted es dueño de su propio negocio en casa. Usted puede pensar que porque está trabajando por su cuenta desde la comodidad de su propio hogar, usted no necesita ninguna ayuda de nadie. Esto no podría estar más lejos de la verdad. Operación de un negocio en casa puede ser difícil y más información se puede recoger de los demás, más fácil su trabajo se hará. Si no sabe cómo hacer funcionar un negocio casero acertado, es fácil que alguien se aproveche de su negocio.

Una vez que empieza a hacer contactos con otros dueños de negocios, usted encontrará que usted puede aprender mucho de otros que están trabajando desde casa. Usted puede aprender, incluso si usted no hable con otras personas que tienen la misma actividad que usted. Mientras usted se está comunicando con los demás, incluso si operan un negocio en casa diferente al suyo, usted todavía será capaz de beneficiarse de la relación.

Hay varios temas que puede discutir con los que han creado una red con. Usted puede hablar de cómo configurar su horario de trabajo y el número de horas que debe asignar a fin de completar su trabajo. Se puede discutir la manera de adaptarse a su familia en el negocio en casa. Usted también puede discutir las diferentes estrategias de publicidad y la forma de atraer nuevos clientes. Siempre hay algo que aprender de alguien que opera un negocio en casa.

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miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011

Making Money List Building – Good Idea Or Bad For Business?

Making Money List Building – Good Idea Or Bad For Business?

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You've seen the pop-up ads for a free laptop, digital camera, gift card to a popular restaurant, iPod, cell phone, etc. Who hasn't been tempted to follow the yellow brick road and find a great surprise waiting at the end of the click?

Well, if you follow this online marketing strategy you will find that it requires much more than a simple "Fill in the form and we'll send you your prize." In most cases you are required to enter your email address first. As a business owner ...

marketing,internet marketing,site promotion,seo,search engine marketing,list building

Article Body:
You've seen the pop-up ads for a free laptop, digital camera, gift card to a popular restaurant, iPod, cell phone, etc. Who hasn't been tempted to follow the yellow brick road and find a great surprise waiting at the end of the click?

Well, if you follow this online marketing strategy you will find that it requires much more than a simple "Fill in the form and we'll send you your prize." In most cases you are required to enter your email address first. As a business owner you recognize that gathering the email address is the most important aspect of list building.

Next on this trip to 'Free Gift Land' visitors are asked to either fill out a multi-page questionnaire or consider accepting an offer from a third party sponsor. This cycle is repeated numerous times with numerous clients.

You will likely be expected to consider (or even accept) at least one additional offer that is not free. More often than not you race through the process and fail to recognize there are certain boxes that are checked that invite the company to either place software on your computer, sign you up for additional emails, give them permission to sell your email address to third parties or other equally frustrating offers.

At this point many individuals will exit the process without reaching the goal of a 'free' prize, which by now seems very costly indeed. At this point the company has your email address, they may have loaded software on your computer, you've probably signed up for things your wouldn't normally have and the last thing you want is the very thing you will get – email from this company, lots of it.

If you should happen to follow all the online instructions to the end of the process and you think you are ready to claim a prize, be aware that the typical pattern adds just one more stipulation. You will need to convince two others to go through the process. It is only under that condition that you may be eligible for the 'free' prize. If you have any enemies that trust you it might work, because most people would not send their friends through this gauntlet.

List building is a hard process and the use of this type of strategy allows the business owner to actually be paid by third party businesses for driving customers to their product while allowing the primary company to improve their list.

If you are a business owner considering this technique I promise you the emails you are able to acquire will not be happy customers. They may recognize right away they made a mistake, but by then their email information is registered and emails will be on the way shortly.

On one hand this method provides the business owner with income while they improve their email list. On the other hand you may find yourself sending email to individuals openly hostile to a tactic they consider devious.

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Tener sentido de Estadísticas del Sitio

Tener sentido de Estadísticas del Sitio

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Cada propietario del sitio web quiere un montón de tráfico dirigido a su sitio web, pero esto a veces puede implicar pasar un montón de tiempo y dinero. Afortunadamente, la mayoría de los propietarios de sitios web puede aumentar su retorno sobre la inversión simplemente prestando más atención a los archivos del sitio web de registro. La mayoría de las empresas de alojamiento web tienen instalado un software especial que procesa los archivos de registro web y mostrar la información en un formato fácil de leer. A partir de esta información propietarios de sitios web pueden obtener un und ...

Palabras clave:
diseño web, marketing en Internet, promoción de sitios web

Cuerpo del artículo:
Cada propietario del sitio web quiere un montón de tráfico dirigido a su sitio web, pero esto a veces puede implicar pasar un montón de tiempo y dinero. Afortunadamente, la mayoría de los propietarios de sitios web puede aumentar su retorno sobre la inversión simplemente prestando más atención a los archivos del sitio web de registro. La mayoría de las empresas de alojamiento web tienen instalado un software especial que procesa los archivos de registro web y mostrar la información en un formato fácil de leer. A partir de esta información propietarios de sitios web pueden obtener un entendimiento en cuanto a número de personas que están visitando el sitio web, donde los visitantes vienen, dónde están entrando y saliendo del sitio web, el número promedio de páginas vistas por visita, y muchos hechos más interesantes. Estas estadísticas permiten analizar mejor la eficacia de las campañas de promoción y le dará una idea de cómo se puede modificar su sitio web para aumentar el retorno de su inversión.

"Hits", explicó

Parece haber cierta confusión con respecto a los términos utilizados para describir tráfico del sitio web los visitantes. Solemos oír propietarios de sitios web hablan en términos de "hits" de su sitio web. Accesos no describen con exactitud el número de visitantes que ven el sitio web - pero en realidad son cualquier tipo de petición HTTP hecho a su servidor. No sólo son las solicitudes presentadas para las páginas web, sino también para todas las imágenes y otros archivos asociados con la visualización de una sola página. Por lo tanto, una visita a una página en realidad podría resultar en decenas de hits, y si un usuario visita varias páginas de su sitio web, esta visita podría generar cientos o incluso miles de visitas. Esto puede excitar algunos propietarios de sitios web, pero este número no es un indicador confiable de cuántas personas han visitado el sitio web.

El término que propietarios de sitios web desea enfocar es la cantidad de impresiones únicas que son generadas por su sitio web. Una impresión única medirá el número de personas reales visitar la página web en base a su dirección IP, navegador y sistema operativo. No importa la cantidad de "hits" un visitante se registra en su sitio web, el servidor grabará su sesión como una visita única. Por lo tanto, el número de visitas únicas nos da una idea mucho mejor de la cantidad de tráfico del sitio web está generando.

Qué a buscar en el análisis de tráfico del sitio web

Número de Visitantes únicos: Ya hemos determinado que la mejor medida del tráfico del sitio web real es el número de visitantes únicos. Lo que queremos buscar es una tendencia en el número promedio de visitantes únicos. En el día a día, su puede ser una buena cantidad de volatilidad en el número de visitantes únicos, pero queremos prestar atención a la tendencia de la media de visitantes por mes. De manera óptima, nos gustaría tener el aumento del número en una base mensual.

Estadísticas de la entrada de la página: A partir de estas estadísticas, podemos aprender que la gente está entrando en la página de su sitio web. La mayoría de los visitantes entran en su página de inicio, pero te darás cuenta de que hasta un 50% de su tráfico del sitio web se origina a partir de una página que no sea tu página de inicio. Es importante que su sitio web tiene un fácil utilizar la estructura de navegación para asegurar que los visitantes pueden encontrar la información que están buscando, incluso si no entran a través de la página principal de su sitio web.

Porcentaje de abandonos: El porcentaje de abandonos puede ser definida como el porcentaje de personas que visitan su sitio web y salir de inmediato. No se preocupe si su porcentaje de abandonos es alta - la mayoría de los sitios web tienen un porcentaje de abandonos del 50% o menos. Si el porcentaje de abandonos es inusualmente alta, usted puede experimentar con su sitio web para tratar de retener a más usuarios. Tal vez usted necesita gráficos más atractivos y menos texto, más rápida carga de las páginas, o un diseño más atractivo.

Salir de Estadísticas de la página: Estas estadísticas muestran que la gente está dejando su sitio web. Cuando se sabe que la página está perdiendo la mayor parte de los visitantes de su sitio web usted puede experimentar con algunos cambios en un intento por retener a más visitantes.

Vistas media hora y por página Visita: visitantes del sitio web son muy orientado a objetivos y tareas impulsadas. Al visitar su sitio web, la mayoría de los visitantes simplemente escaneará la página para determinar rápidamente si es o no contiene la información que está buscando. Al analizar la cantidad promedio de tiempo dedicado a su sitio web y el número promedio de páginas vistas por visita, se puede determinar el contenido atractivo de su sitio web es. La clave para retener a los visitantes y aumentar el número de páginas vistas es contar con información relevante e interesante de su sitio web. Recuerde - el contenido es rey!

URL de referencia superior: Esta estadística le permite saber dónde está la mayor parte del tráfico de su sitio web está viniendo. Esto es importante si usted está realizando una campaña de marketing en internet o una campaña de búsqueda de optimización de motores porque fácilmente se puede juzgar la efectividad de la campaña, mirando a ver cómo muchos visitantes cada método de comercialización está generando.

Los más buscados y Frases: Esta información le permitirá saber qué palabras clave y frases de los visitantes están buscando en Google y otros motores de búsqueda para encontrar su sitio web. Con esta información usted puede medir la efectividad de una campaña de optimización en buscadores, o tener una idea de cómo la densidad de su sitio web la palabra clave debe ser alterada a la posición de las palabras clave y frases que usted está apuntando.

Navegadores, plataformas y tamaños de pantalla: Esta información nos da una idea sobre el tipo de software y hardware a sus visitantes están utilizando. Usted debe asegurarse de que su sitio web tiene el mismo aspecto en todos los navegadores y sistemas operativos. Además, hay que prestar atención al tamaño de pantalla y resolución en la que sus visitantes están viendo su sitio web. El objetivo es asegurar que el visitante no tiene que recurrir a la barra de desplazamiento horizontal para ver la página web - esta es una salida importante para la mayoría de la gente.

País de Origen: Un buen sitio web stats programa también le permitirá conocer la región geográfica de los visitantes de su sitio web. Esto es importante si su sitio web sólo tiene un gran atractivo en una región en particular. Por ejemplo, si usted es dueño de una tienda minorista que abastece a suroeste de Ontario y se observa que el 90% de su tráfico del sitio web proviene de los EE.UU., entonces se puede determinar fácilmente que es necesario volver a pensar su estrategia de marketing en línea.

El objetivo del análisis del tráfico web es evaluar qué tan bien o mal su sitio web está trabajando para sus visitantes. A partir de estas estadísticas se puede averiguar cuál es el problema y probar algunas soluciones posibles. El problema se encuentra a menudo en el aspecto visual del sitio, diseño, estructura de navegación, o la optimización de palabras clave. Al hacer modificaciones a su sitio web con el fin de solucionar estos problemas, lo mejor es hacer sólo ajustes menores y gradual, y luego evaluar el progreso en el próximo mes o así para comprender verdaderamente si los cambios fueron para mejor. Además, recuerde que los sitios con mayor número de visitantes se dispone de estadísticas web más exactos. Los sitios con menor número de visitantes son más propensos a tener su promedio arrojado por una anómala pocos visitantes.

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martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

Temas nicho Sitio Web

Temas nicho Sitio Web

Word Count:

Artículos independientes son una gran manera para los escritores que aspiran a ganar dinero extra. Si usted quiere hacer dinero con la venta de sus artículos sitio web, la clave del éxito está en la búsqueda de temas nicho sitio web.

"Nicho" de la palabra se define como "una situación o actividad especialmente adecuada para los intereses de una persona, las habilidades o la naturaleza". En los negocios, un nicho es "un área especial de la demanda de un producto o servicio". En general, un nicho es un grupo de temas con interés directo. Artículos de nicho, para ello ...

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Cuerpo del artículo:
Artículos independientes son una gran manera para los escritores que aspiran a ganar dinero extra. Si usted quiere hacer dinero con la venta de sus artículos sitio web, la clave del éxito está en la búsqueda de temas nicho sitio web.

"Nicho" de la palabra se define como "una situación o actividad especialmente adecuada para los intereses de una persona, las habilidades o la naturaleza". En los negocios, un nicho es "un área especial de la demanda de un producto o servicio". En general, un nicho es un grupo de temas con interés directo. Artículos de nicho, por lo tanto, debe centrarse en temas concretos de interés que atraen a los principales grupos de lectores.

La elección de un buen nicho de tema a la base de su sitio web en torno a uno de los aspectos más importantes de venta de artículos con fines de lucro. Esto le dará una base para construir, y le permite llegar a una audiencia general con un paquete de palabras clave que lo más probable es estar buscando. Tome cada palabra clave y utilizarla para la base de un artículo en cada página. Al hacerlo, usted está apuntando un tema específico, mientras que desató el interés de una amplia variedad de personas en ese lugar una. Sus lectores pueden encontrar otras páginas que les interesan, que les mantendrá volver a su sitio para aprender nueva información acerca de sus temas nicho sitio web.

La mejor manera de encontrar las palabras clave más utilizadas para atraer a usuarios a su página web los temas de nicho, es utilizar un programa de software de palabras clave. Encontrar la línea del programa, y ​​escriba la palabra que es el tema de su nicho. Esto generará una lista de palabras clave o frases que contienen su nicho, y proporcionará un número aproximado de usuarios que realizan búsquedas de cada palabra o frase. Algunos programas de software también le dirá cuántos sitios están usando cada palabra o frase. Esta información es bueno tener, ya que le permite saber cuántos sitios que estará compitiendo con. Una vez que tenga esta información, usted es libre de decidir qué palabras clave serán los más afectivos en la elaboración de los lectores a su sitio web los temas de nicho. Lo ideal es elegir las palabras clave con el menor número de competidores, ya que esto incrementa la posibilidad de llegar a la primera o segunda página de resultados de los motores de búsqueda. Además, las palabras clave seleccionadas deben ser aquellas que son utilizadas por un buen número de personas cada mes. Elegir las palabras clave, y escribir su nicho páginas web sujetos a su alrededor.

Si hay una serie de temas que le interesan, elegir la que te sientes sería más fácil para empezar. Una vez que el sitio está en funcionamiento, generando un ingreso pequeño, puede iniciar otro sitio. Los vendedores de web más rentables combinan sus talentos para encontrar nichos con sus habilidades para crear contenido del sitio web sólido. Un mayor éxito puede venir de ofrecer un puñado de enlaces de afiliados, así como una buena variedad de sitios de nicho.

Su éxito en el marketing en internet está limitado sólo por el tiempo y el esfuerzo que están dispuestos a contribuir. Si usted tiene un pequeño capital de inicio y el camino al trabajo duro, usted puede beneficiarse de la escritura de temas sitio web de nicho.

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